Archive for July 22nd, 1943

In the conversion

Thursday, 22. July 1943

I was operating at that time not yet in the B I, But even in the conversion. We made about the following: When an aircraft came, magnas it the Seetakt [“Shipborne”, Today radar] on and we found, If the current location of the aircraft in the air on the surface of the Earth down is gelotet, in which square on a sprawling map indicated it was. These squares were then placed on the night hunters control center and she had the night fighter. Then the conversion had still the purpose, the target path of the aircraft record. Also we should introduce other batteries to the objective thus. All this was a pretty interesting for me, especially since I da while air activity in the ZbV [“for special use”] Budé was sitting. That the ZbV bunkers very close most, beimit in the B I stand was, had his good reason. B I and ZbV were always together. There, all the messages from the battery ran together and met messages from outside a. Here, everything was represented during the battle, What was the rank and name. Here the Chief met his decisions and led the dimensional officer shooting. I have to get there during my presence in many things insights and belongs to many other situations in the command post with, the majority of the members of the battery did not know of which.

I was now involved, the target path record. We could look nice, as the aircraft flies. It was an unpleasant thing, If the side angle to the enemy aircraft did not change. As the machine exactly on us flew to. Then we were always in the dark, What would now follow. It crashed loudly, then we had known, that the machine threw bombs, our battery should apply. But mostly it was so: When a straight on[flight] We shot but under facilitated conditions, because Yes the side angle ahead intermediary. And when the first shots it moved “Ivan” before abzuschwirren in an elegant curve, threw out his eggs somewhere and smashed East.




July 1943

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