Archive for March, 1943

Under fire

Friday, 26. March 1943

Here in this position we got to know the first Russian machines. An early morning some Russian hunters in the low-altitude flight in our airspace buzzed a. I had still not control items and watched. First, our three opened 2 cm guns fire. Their colourful light gauge chains moved the attackers contrary to. These evangelizing something and then differed from greater distances. Now she joined 8,8 cm in action. She scored about us across. Our Finnish tent shook with each shot. I was also, If the floor crack of us went. It was a blast, similar to the beating of a hollow hand on a water surface. On the return, the hunters of us came away. lieutenant. Ordered SIEBECK, the Russians send saw when he, “Everything on the carabiner”. Some ran to the hooks. Suddenly you began 2 cm to bark. Also our MG15 opened fire. A part of the operation threw himself at this Geknalle cover. I with. Whether I in the shooting of the 2 cm heard the cannon of the Hunter or whether I hinschmiß me so the machines should crash not with me, I know that no longer. The 8,8 sent behind some Sprengpunkte. The last Sprengpunkte were to recognize just barely on the horizon. The pipe increase amounted to 5°. To finally we discovered, that nothing was actually going on further. In the next few days, this was early exactly. If any Luftgefechte is so smooth, could you stand life as anti-aircraft soldier.

Tipsy into the spring

Wednesday, 24. March 1943

The next day was Sunday, at the same time spring. There were Marketenderwaren. I didn't so something still and watched interested in splitting these things. Brandy and liqueur were collectively drunk in the evening. Of course the old warriors have made ready two young Gunners us after all. It is still beautiful, so easy to be dazed. One lives in a different world, my heart was so funny. The conclusion was: I fell, where I stood. This had the day, where I for the first time a sitting had, I found a degree. – We had to drive the next few days in the forest with, order to make tribes there to strengthen of the position. It is everywhere so common, that will be sent the new to all of the work, It makes you even do not like to. We had to win us just the confidence and respect for our superiors and comrades. At that time I saw in Mr UFW. A strict Theissen, factual and zealous man. First time I met correctly it. On it I come back later. We were handled two newcomers, the same right and we've got just the right wind.

Start at the measuring force

Saturday, 20. March 1943

At 19. March we were suddenly picked up and had to the battery, It was in Yartsevo. Again at the Huw. [Altered] reported. This time it was Pike Hampe. How were immediately the sold stock and 8 Surface chocolate. The next morning we were sent to the measuring force. Measurement officer was Oblt. Heudel. The B I was staffed full. As we but by the KDO.-GER. 40 the flak Schießlehre ruled and this includes our training at the 8,8 cm not specified, did us UFW. Theissen temporarily in the B II. My friend Gerhard Kleber said, probably under the influence of bad which we made, as we for the first time at the completely unknown for us KDO-GER. 36 were, He would rather go to the gun. With difficulty I could hold him about this. Today I can say, I have proved right. I think, We have spent a wonderful time in measuring relay.

The first bomb

Thursday, 11. March 1943

We stayed 6 km from Smolensk at a Russian house. As we the Russians, who lived in the house with his family, gave some meat, He was quite beside himself with joy and said, that he would rather have the Germans, because the Russians just take everything away from him. Am nächsten Tag erreichten wir Smolensk und bezogen das Waldlager als den Stützpunkt der I/36. Here I spent now 3 good weeks. Our employment was to stand post only on the vehicles and some wood shredding. In the city we looked at films and other events. Delicious buffet was also very well made. During a Russian air raid on a night it began to suddenly in the air rushing. It sounded like a moving train. There was a sound unknown to me. Suddenly it crashed. I ran before Schreck in the House. Then somebody told me, It has taken in our neighborhood. Here I heard the whistle and taking of bombs for the first time.




March 1943

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