Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Allgemeines

Service on schedule

Wednesday, 15. September 1943

In the Office was nothing more to do, so I stayed in the position and made with the service. Yes, We had our roster and we were not far away from the front. In this area, where every moment a hit can einhauen and the goodwill of men must be always guaranteed, as infantry service and education was held, Instead the force some rest to gönnen, could take place in the next hour, already the most serious and most exciting fighting.

I still know, our Oberfähnrich math lay before us on the stomach and showed and explained to us, as it is properly the MG behaves. This whole issue came before me somewhat ridiculous. You would have the Oberfhr. you want to ask, If you can remember only regeneration, how you do it right, or whether it so it makes such as the situation requires it. But that apparently was the entire service history, our men's officers could not see it, If we had once some rest and so were they just on the komischsten and blödsten ideas.

But suddenly, one day the Russians changed to the roster. It was at the time of the 13. – 15. September. Again a sonnenklarer day. On this day we were literally not to rest. The hostile associations were flown without interruption. Fight- and Schlachtflieger. In all, were 475 Enemy missiles counted. Each new attack was exciting as the previous, set as Schlachtflieger to attack us. This time the bright threads of Leuchtspurgeschosse retreated closely over our heads. A machine our sacrifice and the pilot was launched but after Buda Staraya. As then later Schlachtflieger (B). St. attacked, the pilot was still badly injured from the own machines.

A sharp combat air attack, the bombs were probably considered our battery, but just next to it were, I again brought also the B in the holes. We fought an other combat aircraft attack on remoteness and already the first Sprengpunkte torn one [Petljakow] PE-2 the tail and as a huge propeller, even twirling always to, staggered this machine to the ground and ended in an explosion.

In these moments it was over with pure lists peace. Since his temperament broke through with him. He jumped as wandering around like a wild. First he drove to the flight login items and replaced him by the Glass, then he ran into bold curve come in in the State and tore Sergeant. Bodenschatz the throat microphone upset by the throat and said to the guns when he had the microphone in your hand. In the next moment he threw out the handset again and swung in bold jumping right on our wall of contactor and rushed to Lt. Kruchen and took him to his glass eyes and watched even in the air. And this he raged, cried out and gotten so with and was so excited by the events in the air and so pleased with our shooting, that he forgot everything around them. His enthusiasm jumped about like a spark to us. And when he finally called: “On it, on it! shoot! Faster shoot!” Since it was encouragement and praise for us at the same time. Showed it yet, that we had worked well. But after the attack, our boss was again objectively and calmly gave instructions for the next attack. And we declined the Stahlhelm, whisked the cold sweat from the forehead and once some calming cigarettes smoked.

Meanwhile Russian flew fighters an and buzzed around. Since no German hunters were there. Were our hunters, the Russians were not to see. They met once, so they played cat and mouse, always clean in the cloud, out of the cloud, Rinn in the cloud etc. At the speed of the German Raiders, the Russians came up not, they could fly but tighter curves. We were ready during such moments ever, some shots settlement. to support the German fighters.

Holiday hope

Tuesday, 14. September 1943

But also the time, in which I could work on the Office, sometimes came to an end. Had to write some Urlaubsscheine in the last few days as I, I took me a heart and offhandedly ask our chef, whether, If I can go on vacation, my friend G. Adhesive can ride. We wanted to visit etc. etc. He then told our spit Hampe, If it is possible, to set it Hampe. When I then in the evening said Gerhard my friends, I have angehauen our Chefkurz, rose hope again on a joint holiday.

Red tape

Tuesday, 14. September 1943

Write to the shooting were still reports of aircraft kills. Here showed up again, What to do were for bureaucratic paperwork for such a message. Issues were listed on a pre-printed Formluar, such as: Burned the machine in the air? Came down with a plume of smoke? It exploded on the ground? It burned to the ground or only a cloud of smoke was seen? etc. You wanted to know so even the factory number and the year of manufacture of the aircraft. To do this all the witness certificates had to be written off several times. It was really a paperwork.

Proposals were an extensive work to the Iron Cross. Alone of the B I I the submissions of 5 Man written. As the way the Protze position was quite far, I once again made with the Tross Rebase, something closer to the assumed approached. It was also back in the forest. I have machine written in my life so much, to write but middle of the green forest, While in the blue sky, enemy aircraft herumschwirrten, This had not happened yet still me.

Acts of the ground-attack

Monday, 13. September 1943

I will now now briefly outline the use of the Earth. He remained not exactly remember me, but I still know the main points. It was a report on acts of ground-attack 3. I/36 of the 30.8. – 1.9.1943.

The situation at the front was approximately: The Russians had unleashed an offensive behind Yelnya. Our front gave no longer and all flooded back. Some tanks were even able to Yelnya even break through and this headless confusion donated here. Our Chief knew nothing of the early and drove the now with his guns and a light train 5. Los battery on it. Until then, he gave, When he March saw a strong enemy column, on a road. I wrote about this in the report: “This column was 1000 – 1500 Strong man. They were immediately combated by risen explosion points. The effect was terrible. The enemy then withdrew. And tried shortly thereafter a new attack, the was fought with Sinop. From the 800 on the Schlachtfelde half remained once again are attacking Russians!” [Chief Constable] Owm. Hunter said shortly afterwards in confidential tone, that there were never so many Russians. But it had to sound depending on something.

Our lighter train repelled a Russian tank attack with infantry aufgesessener. Sergeant. Adam scored on an enemy tanks with his gun 20 m distance from. The infantry following with was with MP and defeated carbine. Was a different story, with some officers in our gun position few as a hostile Board wagon. This warm captured soup was quite welcome for our people. Pure Kingdom seemed to have noticed, that he is as good as included with his combat troop. And now, pure Kingdom showed his art of war. Since it was impossible, come back in the direction of Yelnya, He tried it after Südwestern towards Roslavl. The enemy strongly attacked all the time. Our lighter train truly heldenmütig defended the village of Sukhoy Pochinok of 24 For hours against the persistent enemy attacks. Our Gunners from their gun differed in the fire of heavy and light enemy weapons. The Sukhoi Potschinoks was the enemy of great importance. But our guys did was. Just as all ammunition was fired, the guns and vehicles were blown up, and in nightly battles they beat themselves through to the heavy artillery Squadron.

That Sukhoi Pochinok was kept as long as, was of crucial importance for this battle area. It caused a gap in the German front and the enemy tried to come here into, order in the back of the German 56. I.D.. [Infantry Division] to get and the Division cut off. Herein lay the great merit of: He had recognized the situation accurately and in time then traded. This prevented a hostile incursion into the German lines. Unfortunately this fighting we had asked for losses. 3 Man have given their lives, and the Fhj Uffz. Simon, Wamke and a third, whose name is for me. 3 seriously injured were hospitalized in the hospital. Our lighter train had lost its entire equipment and weapons. Owm. fighters, the determined much had done, was very disturbed by these past events. You looked at it yet for days the rigors. He could hardly contain, that his lads have endured this hell at all.

This was a brief overview of the battle force of our battery. I was really happy, that this report was soon written. Now I could treat also a break me.


Monday, 13. September 1943

Since the air campaign to close the position were always numerous and impacts always approached also artillery, but had chosen purity Kingdom, the next morning, Monday the 12.9., to leave this position in very early, and a new, something to obtain further backward. The nights were already pretty cool at the time. You could even use the over coat and gloves. Even the water in the wash bowls had early an ice cover. In the evening already made preparations for the rebase. So we loaded our vehicles at sunrise and drove to the new position. It was located behind Buda Staraya, as she was the center of the triangle Buda Staraya – Lechowo – Phillimony.

The position of the gun was in a, While that was B I slightly increased and had a good view. The first works were made and our device in position. I helped with just hard-working, as our Chief loudly called me to go back to the Tross. So I went to leave because with the head coaches. The Protze also started writing. [Chief Constable] Owm. fighters, the z.b.V. Sergeant. Blessed and I difftelten now the combat report from. It was not easy for me, their thinking to follow and I had over all day to do fully, just that the time for lunch heraussprang. Towards evening I drove back then again with the old in the assumed. My comrades had built on the day the State and built the tents and inside beautifully kitted out, so that I could put me in the exposed nest. From a nearby field, our Tünn had organized a sack of potatoes, of which we have fried us beautiful home-fried potatoes.

The next morning early I wanted to go back to the Tross. but it shifted slightly, because the Abbot. Kdr. Major Wendt wanted to come. Also, he came and we had to play all. Then he gave a short talk, was delighted, that his Department has proven himself so shiny and was full of praise for the 3. Battery. But he forgot to report, how he has behaved in these battles, that he time to backward country has won. Then he awarded I some people II and EK the EK and commented on the Act of Oblt. Pure Kingdom. This he said, that it would be not in his power reward him, but his achievements would be appreciated by higher body. This was a sign for us again, that may soon arrive to the Knight's cross.

After Wendt had absconded again, took me back with my boss in the Protze. There, this combat report was gradually so ingenious, that he sounded for something. It was always the old song. From 1 was 10 made etc.. And it was also important to, from all these fights three separate fighting stated, so that the ground-attack character could be submitted to interested parties.




May 2024

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