The major attack

8. June 1943

I completely forgot to mention, that most 5. June afternoon of overbearing clouds suddenly one NAB-25 stuck, turned on the runway a curve and finally again in the clouds of protection sought. Shortly thereafter, the machine came again, but from another direction, flew back to on the runway and went very deep down. The light flak shot obsessively. The NAB-25 received results, tried to pull up sharply, swished down and smashed to the ground. This should probably be a reconnaissance by fire. This wagemut-Russian attack was the prelude to the subsequent heavy days and nights.

The attacks were the first hit on 6. night and the two bombs in the battery. The 7. Finally brought the long expected major attack. It was in the evening, as the Sun was already deep in the West. I was at the cleaning before our accommodation, There fell on me, that a German Hunter started after the other, What was the case but otherwise never. It was something like 15 Machines. Suddenly, the air sirens on the Horst wailing her warning song. Since we got the message already: “Several foe organizations approaching the square from the direction of 1-3, Distance … km.” Highest Feuerbereitschaft. Everything was made ready to defence, Ammunition ready placed etc.. We were cool on a hot battle. I, in the excitement, put on the rock, Koppel with Patronentaschen drum, Stahlhelm on, Carbine in the hand and also stormed in anticipation of the enemy. (Later, I have to keep as the rest, and stood in collarless or sleeves in combat.)

The flight registration items have been reinforced: The entire measuring scale staring in the air. Because even the first reported an association from the direction of 1. Through the glass, we saw, that it was Schlachtflieger. Suddenly another reported still bandaged from 1, der flog höher und wurde als [Petljakow] PE 2 Association identified. Both organizations flew north past to us. We studied further, as by the phone and the flight registration posts came, that in the direction of 3-6 several are approaching. Now we had certainty, that the concentrated major attack is now increasing. Some instructions of officers have been sent. The two North vorbeigeflogenen associations had turned and attacked from the West, from the Sun out, at. I needed to go on this day in the conversion. I saw therefore to, as the approaching associations were fired on from the other batteries. We also opened fire on a PE-2 following us Association. We were served exactly and got back the moment, If the triggered bombs into noise into the battery. But this time we were lucky. No bombs were us. We saw, as the bombs of the aircraft classified, they saw at ever increasing speeds down turf until our eyes could no longer follow the bombs. Over there on air base smoke rose- and dust clouds high.

The Association of PE-2 was still not out of our shooting range, [da] also came out from the deep according Sun an association flying in less of about 15 [Junkers] JL2. Now, the matter was already dangerous. I quickly jumped into a man-made pit cover. There was still the possibility, that the JL2 with their gun on the flak get started. A large number 2 cm and 3,7 cm anti-aircraft guns opened fire on this Association also. In the middle of this fire spells the JL2 to attack the airfield continued to. Lowered the muzzle and the muzzle flash of their kews flashed on in the sloping downward flight and shot their rocket bombs with a loud hissing and hiss from then 2 Clouds of smoke back[to]Let. At this moment I shot indeed also a few times in the air, found it but pleasant to watch, What is above all played and whether it is still dangerous for us. Also here I saw flying bombs on us across. It came even more associations serviced, from all directions, but they came more or less in our shooting range. You were by the 4 other heavy batteries fired on. Conservatory Russian hunters showed to their presence by their original Gebrumme. You highly evangelizing about us.

After the last Association (by my count, there were a total of about 120 Machines) to the East was used, could we remove the Stahlhelm, wipe the sweat from the forehead and a calming cigarette smoke. The German hunters came back after. The result of the launch was sent. I know the number but no longer.

In the afternoons of this day, I took leave of R. Doelle, He was in the military barracks of childcare for honor. The huge fire spells, the flak before Sechtschinskaja brought the attacking enemy machines contrary to, was like a last greeting of his flak mate, that now continue their post survey. The funeral was the next day morning. Detachments of the batteries were in a square around the open grave. The Catholic Pastor, as well as lieutenant. SIEBECK remembered the fallen in short speeches. Sergeant. Theissen said in his obituary: “Earlier have failed like you, only after we learned to appreciate your true value!” After 3 Salvos were fired, We marched down. On the marshes, we saw a large number of bomb craters, flowing from the day before, somewhere in the outdoors, rather than on the runway were. I have then later every time, When the gang in the movies about the military cementary led me, Grave fresh laid a bouquet of colorful wild flowers on the.

A response to “The major attack”

  1. IL-2 Sturmovik says:

    Natürlich nichtJL2 Junkers”, sondern russische Flugzeuge IL-2 (Sturmovik).





June 1943

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